Bay Park Manoeuvre

What manoeuvres are included in your practical test?

You’ll also be asked to do one of 3 possible reversing manoeuvres The ‘reverse around a corner’ and ‘turn-in-the-road’ manoeuvres are no longer tested, but you should still be taught them by your instructor.

  • When reversing to the right (or left). Give yourself plenty of space between you and the bays. Getting too close can make it more difficult. Remember all round observations!

  • First position — using full effective all round observations, position your car where there is a white line, marking the bays, adjacent to your central doorpost, at right angles. This is line number 1. Count back to the third space from that line. This is your target space, number 3.

  • Make your observations and start reversing (using clutch & brake control to keep the car slow). At the same time steer fully to the right (or left), carefully monitor your progress, allowing the rear end of the car to point towards the chosen bay, meanwhile, the front end will swing out.

  • You should see a white line in each side mirror. Adjust the steering to ensure the rear wheels pass into the third space. For ease, you may open your window and look out and down, to help you get between the lines.

  • Checking around for road users, carefully straighten the steering wheel and slowly reverse into the bay. As you approach the rear of the bay, look back over your right shoulder and make sure you don’t reverse too far!

If you don’t get it right first time, don’t worry, make your all round observations & safely pull forward out of the space, adjust your position, and reverse into the bay. It is acceptable on your test to make some forward adjustment, provided it is not overly repeated, or takes too much time.

There are many other methods of completing the Bay Park.
For more information please refer the “Driving The Essential skills” or your Driving Instructor

Overview of manoeuvre